Tuesday 29 June 2010

Aging Gracefully

Does happiness decrease with age? According to a Gallup poll conducted in May 2010 it apparently does. The US study of 340,000 people claims that after leaving puberty at the age of 18 (for some of us), happiness steadily declines until we're in our early 50s. Then it does a complete 180 degree on us and our happy hormones climbs back up. From 50 onwards, most things becomes wonderful for everyone.

According to the study, 85 year olds are even more satisfied with themselves than they were at 18. This is very good news for those of us who wants to age gracefully (maybe sneaking in a couple of botox here and there). Scientists aren't certain what causes this turn around in our 50s. Gender, marital status, current events, employment or parenthood didn't make a significant difference to our happiness level.

But here's an idea: maybe we're just so bloody exhausted after 50 years of work and worrying! Building a career, raising a family, paying a mortgage, babysitting a partner, worrying about the wrinkles and the fact that your once perky breasts now rests somewhere near your hips, making dinner every night for the last 30+ years, doing infinite loads of laundry, putting on weight, loosing weight, putting it on again, entertaining people you don't like - it leaves you dog-tired! So by the time you've reached 50, you say BLEEP IT! It's my time, I'm still here. I like who I am - wrinkles, weight and all.

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