Friday 25 June 2010

New Beginnings or Continuation of Old Chapters

It's 2:45AM. Insomniac, maybe. Restless, definitely. Lost, of course.

29 yrs old, in a job that I've learned all I can from, living in a country that no longer entices me, heartbroken, and living at home with the folks. 

For the last several weeks, I've been dining with doctors on a diet that consists entirely of cardboard, hold the butter please. After weeks of making me a human dartboard, the final verdict (maybe) was gallstones, acidity and cysts in both ovaries. Lovely combination for a prescription of no work, no sleep, no eating and endless assortments of pain. 

Life in comatose. Life made simple. Life who don't need you to teach its lessons. Simply to learn them. 

Almost 30. Almost married. Almost alive...but almost doesn't count, does it?

1 comment:

  1. You know what they say... "close but no cigar". Yeah, almost doesn't count. :o(
    Add 4 years to your second paragraph and you could almost be describing me... except without the benefit of the steady job! :o(

    A friend of my sister's in school used to say "Life sucks, the world turns, and life still sucks". Well I say at some point it will stop sucking! If what goes up must go down (according to the laws of physics), then what goes down MUST go up!!!

    So look forward for the up! After all, when we're down there's only one direction to go, right? ;o)
