Monday 10 January 2011

Life still continues here...

Happy New Year to all those reading! May 2011 see you in great health, prosperity, peace and love.

It's been many months since I last wrote. A dear friend of mine has encouraged me to start again. A surgery, an organ removal with a diagnosis of cancer were some of the perpetrators, coupled with a hectic work load.

There were many changes that needed to be made; and many more yet to come.

2010 was a year of learning in many ways. A year to learn that people will come and go in my life. A year to learn that despite those persons leaving, I am still worthy of love and happiness. A year to learn that many things are out of my control, including my body. A year to learn to make new friends and let go of old ones. A year to learn that I am imperfect in so many ways and that it is OK to live with those imperfections.

Throughout all the ups and downs, the tears and laughter, the pains and somehow still continues here.

2011 may well be the year for re-inventions.