Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes,
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee,
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes,
How do you measure a year in a life?
One could measure their lives by the experiences they have been through, or by the gifts of ourselves we give to others. Maybe life is measured in the countries we've traveled, the things we've accomplished, the money we've accumulated, the things we've written, the lives we've saved?
The last year will more likely be measured in emotional journeys for me, in laughter and tears, in truths learned, in disappointments and hopefully if the song continues to hold, in seasons of love. There are so many ways we’ll stretch ourselves this year - career, family, friends, countless obligations and hardships. Is it even possible to measure what this year will bring? I’ll tell you in 525,600 minutes.
How do you measure a year in a life?